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Everything you need to know about your company's finances: cash flow, invoices, payment deadlines, management...

Batch payment Libeo


Batch Payment: How To Pay All Your Invoices In One Go With Libeo

Libeo is a fully integrated and automated business-to-business payments platform, bridging the gap between invoices, payments, reconciliation and accounting. The solution includes batch and bulk payment features to allow you to pay all of your suppliers invoices in one go based on dates or specific invoice details.

5 min

Digital Payments


Digital Payments Are a Matter of When, Not If, CFOs say

Almost universally, CFOs reporting on the state of their companies' cash management have pointed to investments in digital payments platforms as among the biggest changes in the past year. The fact that payments are changing — largely driven by the growth of mobile payment applications and the evolution of B2B payment offerings — is not a revelation, but what most CFOs are seeing has them thinking now is the time to make big decisions about how they will proceed.

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how long bacs payment

Invoices • Finance

How Long Does a BACS Payment Take?

BACS is the Bank Automated Credit Transfer Services and it is one of the fastest payment methods in the UK. If a BACS payment is made on Friday, when will it clear? How much do BACS payment cut-off time compared to how long a bank transfer take? If you are wondering how long does a BACS payment take, then this guide is for you.

batch payment


Why Batch Payments Are Important In Corporate Finance

In accounting terminology, a batch payment is a batching system used to pay suppliers or service providers at different times. While businesses may already be aware of the benefits, it's time to look at the reasons why batch payments have evolved from a day-to-day accounting procedure to a vital component in corporate finance.

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faster payments


Want Faster Payments? Try Libeo, Your Fast-Paying B2B Solution

With 60% of UK businesses having been charged a fee for late payments and 23% having experienced termination of goods or a relationship with a supplier because of late payments, we say it's time to put an end to late payments. Here's how to pay your suppliers faster and enjoy a better relationship with them.

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mass payments solution


Why Your Accounting Department Needs a Mass Payments Solution

The accounting department: a place of business where books are balanced, payments are made, and cheques are cut. As a business owner, you know how much time and effort goes into making sure these functions work properly. At the same time, it's not always easy to make these functions easier using technology, especially if your accounting department isn't really tech-savvy. If this is the case then it may behoove you to research the benefits of Mass Payments Solutions.

6 min

Bulk payment


What Are Bulk Payments And Why Are They Beneficial For SMBs?

A bulk payment or batch payment solution is a type of payment processing. Bulk payment or batch payment solutions are designed to offer businesses with a means to streamline their procurement of services and products without the need for complex coding. What are the benefits of a bulk payment or batch payment solution for today's SMBs?

8 min

Invoice approval workflow


What Does An Invoice Approval Workflow Look Like?

In order to facilitate the flow of information and to secure internal processes, it is essential to implement an automated invoice validation workflow, a set of successive approval levels carried out by different parties. How to set up an efficient invoice validation workflow?

10 min

Cloud accounting UK


How The UK's Business Industry Factors Cloud Computing into Their Accounting Practices

Have you ever wondered why the UK business industry has such a high adoption rate for cloud computing over the rest of Europe? There are a lot of reasons for the UK's cloud-first mentality, but one factor in particular is government incentive programs that incentivize businesses to adopt cloud solutions. A blog around how the cloud helps businesses deal with accounting and book keeping.

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Latest Libeo news

Libeo at AccountEx North Summit

3 Most Frequently asked questions to Libeo at AccountEx North Summit

We had a blast at the Accountex North 2022 Summit, and it was great to see so many people excited about Libeo! It was so inspiring to hear about our customers work and to meet the amazing people who support them.

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Libeo Partner logo

Launching Libeo’s Partner Programme

Community is important to Libeo. We're a company that believes in the power of shared knowledge, and our community is one of the ways we help you take your practice to the next level. As a Libeo Partner, you'll get access to dedicated support, product insights and exclusive content. You'll also have the opportunity to join our network of practitioners who are passionate about helping their clients.

3 min

future of work

The Future of Work - By Pierre Dutaret

Digital is completely transforming the way people work across the globe and allowing people to become more interconnected. Machine automation takes away the stresses attached to manual labour and boosts productivity, increasing the value of an employee's output. Equally, automation outsources repetitive, time-consuming tasks, enabling employees to adapt and spend time on the things that matter.

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Judith EN version-min

Judith, software engineer: "It's the desire that motivates us, not the pressure.”

Judith is a committed environmentalist and would never have imagined that she would blossom in fintech. And yet, it is there that she has finally found meaning in her professional life after a successful reconversion. From fashion to code: the story of an original and uncompromising path!


Damien, Account Manager: "At Libeo, words are aligned with actions"

Damien is an Account Manager. His mission: build customer loyalty and satisfaction by making their lives easier. His work ethic? Damien is a team player: he thrives in workspaces that allow him to connect to other people and believe in the power of teams, like Libeo.

5 min

Libeo x Rubypayeur

Rubypayeur accelerates its development by bringing Libeo into its capital

Rubypayeur, the first community-based debt collection solution, announces that Libeo, the leader in business-to-business payments in Europe, has taken a minority stake in its capital. This new financing and strategic alliance mark a new stage in the startup's development. It will enable the company to benefit from significant synergies and privileged access to the Libeo community, which includes more than 150,000 companies in Europe.

3 min


Libeo is registered by ACPR (Prudential Control and Resolution Authority) under the number 844679068 (approval can be consulted in the Register of Financial Agents – as a payment services agent of the electronic money institution Treezor. Treezor, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 807465059, whose registered office is located at 33 avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris, acting as an electronic money institution within the meaning of Article L.525-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code and approved by ACPR (Prudential Control and Resolution Authority), is located at 4 Place de Budapest CS 92459 75336 Paris Cedex 09 as an electronic money institution under number 16798, approval which can be consulted on the ACPR website in the Register of Financial Agents (REGAFI):
